On 15/04 19.31, John R Pierce wrote:
>    the 8.4.3 binary tarball for solaris sparc 64bit on postgresql.com was
>    shipped with the 32bit includes and the Makefile fragments from
>    8.4-community/lib/64/pgxs/src/
>    I'm specifically hitting this contradition:
>        $ grep FLOAT8 include/server/pg_config.h
>        #define FLOAT8PASSBYVAL false
>    and
>        $ pg_controldata /var/postgres/8.4-community/data_64 | grep Float8
>        Float8 argument passing:              by value

Ouch, so there are differences in header files between 32 and 64 bit,
I hadn't taken this into consideration. Haven't seen this problem
reported before though.

>    Is there any chance I can get the correct include/server/pg_config.h
>    and lib/64/pgxs/src/Makefile.global from the packager, whom I gather is
>    Bjorn Much and has been seen on this list?

I will have a look into it.

Bjorn Munch      bjorn.mu...@sun.com
Sun Microsystems
Trondheim, Norway

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