On Fri, 7 May 2010, Robert Haas wrote:

On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> writes:
[ argues, in effect, for starting 9.1 development right now ]

I can't stop you from spending your time as you please.  My development
time for at least the next month or two is going to be spent on
code-reading the HS/SR code and fixing bugs as they come in.  I don't
foresee having any time to work on my own 9.1 projects, let alone
review anyone else's.

I'm really making an effort to be a "good" community member.  There
are a couple of reasons I don't think that I can spend ALL of my PG
time over the next few months on release prep:

1. I'm not really sure what I would spend that much time doing.
2. My employer has things they want done for 9.1.

IMHO, there is nothing wrong with you (or any other developer) spending time working on v9.1 features if said person feels that they have satisfied themselves that v9.0 is ready for release (ie. I think the best test anyone can run, espeecially those whose employer uses PostgreSQL, is to run tests using their own applications / environment ... regressions are great and all, but real world always finds something new) ...

Tom's employer requires *as clean* a release as possible, so for him, his priority is to go through and test everything and anything he can think of ... and that includes doing review of the code that got added ... but, that is what *his* employer is paying his time to do ...

Again, IMHO, the critical thing throughout beta is that if a bug is reported, or an oddiity, that any 'development for 9.1' gets drop'd fast and teh bug report is jumped on / fixed ASAP ...

To me, beta is ... we're ready for release, we're not throwing in any new code .. it is a time for more 'end users' to start testing real world applications (even if they won't run 9.0, but will wait for 9.0.1) to start evaluating, which inevitable will generate bug reports to be fixed ...

Marc G. Fournier                        Hub.Org Hosting Solutions S.A.
scra...@hub.org                                     http://www.hub.org

Yahoo:yscrappy    Skype: hub.org    ICQ:7615664    MSN:scra...@hub.org

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