I have just released version 4.0 of the PostgreSQL Buildfarm client.

There are two new features:

   * The SCM code is substantially rearranged into a separate OO
     module, with subclasses supporting CVS and Git. New config options
     support these changes, while old style config parameters for CVS
     are still supported. Support for running the buildfarm from Git is
     a requirement before we can move the core community repo, and this
     meets that requirement (a little later than planned, but as
     promised almost exactly one year ago).
   * The requirement to specify a port for each branch to build with is
     gone. If the config parameter 'base_port' is specified the code
     will pick a unique port for the branch, a short number above that
     setting. The means that the config file does not need to be
     changed when a new stable postgres release is made. Again,
     old-style configs continue to be supported.

The new client can be downloaded from: <http://pgfoundry.org/frs/?group_id=1000040>



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