On Tue, 2010-05-18 at 09:33 +0100, Dave Page wrote:

> >> No - pgFoundry projects are licenced and copyright-attributed as their
> >> authors see fit (as long as it's an open source licence of course).
> >
> > Yes, are they open source licences?
> All the options on pgFoundry are, yes.
> >> The PostgreSQL Licence is not the same as any of the BSD variants, so
> >> that is not a safe presumption to make.
> >
> > If, as you say, the licence is unclear then whether-or-not it is an open
> > source licence must also be unclear.
> Not at all. If it's listed on www.opensource.org, then a licence is
> "open source". Why do you think I busted a gut to get the PostgreSQL
> licence approved when we realised it wasn't BSD?

Dave, this is important and so this thread must have a clear resolution,
so we must stick to a single point and be clear about our logic and our

You're saying these two things, I think, or if you or anybody else
disagrees, please so clearly.

* When project realised that the PostgreSQL licence wasn't actually a
BSD licence, that PostgreSQL was clarified to be the TPL, yet pgfoundry
was not covered by that clarification for some reason.

* In the absence of any licence text in any of the files of a project on
a certain date, then if the project is advertised on PgFoundry on that
date as having a "BSD licence" then the software will be covered by 

 Simon Riggs           www.2ndQuadrant.com

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