On 22/05/10 02:12, Robert Haas wrote:
On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 1:58 PM, David Fetter<da...@fetter.org>  wrote:
On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 01:45:45PM -0400, Stephen Frost wrote:
* David Fetter (da...@fetter.org) wrote:
That is *precisely* the business we need to be in, at least for the
languages we ship, and it would behoove us to test languages we don't
ship so we can warn people when they don't pass.

k, let's start with something simpler first tho- I'm sure we can pull in
the glibc regression tests and run them too.  You know, just in case
there's a bug there, somewhere.

That's pretty pure straw man argument.  I expect much higher quality
trolling.  D-.

I'm sorely tempted to try to provide some higher-quality trolling, but
in all seriousness I think that (1) we could certainly use much better
regression tests in many areas of which this is one and (2) it will
never be possible to catch all security bugs - in particular - via
regression testing because they typically stem from cases people
didn't consider.  So... can we get back to coming up with a reasonable
definition, and if somebody wants to write some regression tests, all
the better?

Personally, I don't think a PL should be trusted unless it _does_ define a whitelist of operations. Experience in the wider world has shown that this is the only approach that works. Regression testing to make sure all possible approaches to access unsafe features are blocked is doomed to have holes where there's another approach that hasn't been thought of yet.

Perl's new approach is whitelist based. Python restricted mode failed not least because it was a blacklist and people kept on finding ways around it. Lua and JavaScript are great examples of whitelist approaches, where the language just doesn't expose features that're dangerous - in fact, the core language doesn't even *have* those features. PL/PgSQL is the same, and works well as a trusted language for that reason.

Java's SecurityManager is whitelist based (allowed classes, allowed operations), and has proved very secure.

Craig Ringer

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