Dear all,
       I am trying to enable the direct IO for the disk-resident
hash partitions of hashjoin in postgresql. The basic postgres
environment settings are:
       centos 5.5
       kernel 2.6.18
       ext3 fs
       PostgreSQL 8.4.3

       Previously I added the O_DIRECT flag to the "fileFlags"
parameter of open() within BasicOpenFile() (line 505 in
src/backend/storage/file/fd.c), but strangely I cannot even
start the server, with error:

PANIC:  could not read from control file: Invalid argument

       So far what I did is to add the O_DIRECT flag to the
"fileFlags" parameter of PathNameOpenFile() (line 992 & 1007 in
src/backend/storage/file/fd.c), which calls the BasicOpenFIle()
and passes the "fileFlags". This time, I can start the sever,
but when I submit a hashjoin query from the client, it happens

 ERROR:  could not write to hash-join temporary file: Invalid argument

Can anyone advise what's the reason and how to fix this?
Or what's the correct way to enable the direct disk IO within
postgres? I appreciate the suggestions and thanks very much!


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