Excerpts from Marc G. Fournier's message of jue jun 17 10:47:41 -0400 2010:

> I sooooooo agree here ... and to make matters worse, when I go through all 
> of the groups once a week, I find a half dozen or more postings that 
> 'slipped through the cracks' that should have been approved, but weren't 
> ... but to get there, I have to weed through *hundreds* of postings to 
> find them ...
> But, I think you and I are exceptions here, in that we use the web 
> interface for moderation, and not just email ... although I'm not sure why 
> its so far to do a 'Reply' and type 'Reject' since ppl have to have 
> already checked the body of the message to now it shouldn't be approved 
> ... most of the work is already done by that point ...

hey, count me as an exception as well.  I do reject all spam that gets
to me (-hackers and -committers these days only, plus -es-ayuda).  I
moderate *everything* I get by email -- but I never visit the website.

If some stuff is still queued after I go through routine moderation,
it's only because I didn't get it (remember there's a setting that says
"only send to this many moderators", so no one should be swamped).

I shared a recipe that allows Mutt to do one-keystroke moderation (saves
a lot of work), and I recently wrote another one for Sup-mail which is
what I'm currently using -- if anyone is interested in that one, let me

Álvaro Herrera <alvhe...@commandprompt.com>
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
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