Fernando Nasser wrote:
> As most things in the SQL standard, you have to collect information
> from several places and add it together.
> Look at 4.20, 11.1 and specially at the rules for
> <schema qualified name>.
> Then think a little bit about scenarios, trying to apply the rules.
> It is a pain, but there is no other way.

I couldn't find the description CURRENT_SCHEMA == CURRENT_USER.
If I recognize SQL99 correctly, the CURRENT schema is the schema
defined in a <SQL-client module> not restricted to the CURRENT

Well here's my proposal.
1) Use the different search path for table name and
2) Allow only one schema other than temp or catalog in
   the table name search path so that we can call it
   the CURRENT schema.

Comments ?

Hiroshi Inoue

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