--On 15. Juli 2010 18:02:10 +0200 Guillaume Lelarge <guilla...@lelarge.info> wrote:

And would you add the complete syntax? I mean:

  SHOW [OPEN] TABLES [FROM db_name] [LIKE 'pattern']

I'm wondering what one can do with the [FROM db_name] clause :)

And as soon as you have this, people want to have that list ordered by size, schema or number of estimated tuples.....

I think what we really need to do is to improve our current interfaces and/or documentation to show how to do many tasks. In former courses i gave i always heard how easy it is in MySQL to get dictionary information, but once you are going to show the entry keys in how to query information_schema or using the administration functions in PostgreSQL the big "aha" begin to start. Maybe we can wrap many of the current psql output into SRF's to ease the retrieval for such kind of information other procedures or interfaces.



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