Robert Haas wrote:
At the developer meeting, I promised to do the work of documenting how
committers should use git.  So here's a first version.

Note that while anyone is welcome to comment, I mostly care about
whether the document is adequate for our existing committers, rather
than whether someone who is not a committer thinks we should manage
the project differently... that might be an interesting discussion,
but we're theoretically making this switch in about a month, and
getting agreement on changing our current workflow will take about a
decade, so there is not time now to do the latter before we do the
former.  So I would ask everyone to consider postponing those
discussions until after we've made the switch and ironed out the
kinks.  On the other hand, if you have technical corrections, or if
you have suggestions on how to do the same things better (rather than
suggestions on what to do differently), that would be greatly

Well, either we have a terminology problem or a statement of policy that I'm not sure I agree with, in point 2. IMNSHO, what we need to forbid is commits that are not fast-forward commits, i.e. that do not have the current branch head as an ancestor, ideally as the immediate ancestor.

Personally, I have a strong opinion that for everything but totally trivial patches, the committer should create a short-lived work branch where all the work is done, and then do a squash merge back to the main branch, which is then pushed. This pattern is not mentioned at all. In my experience, it is essential, especially if you're working on more than one thing at a time, as many people often are.



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