"David E. Wheeler" <da...@kineticode.com> writes:
> On Aug 5, 2010, at 11:25 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Applied to HEAD and 9.0.  The mistaken case will now yield this:
>> regression=# select string_agg(f1 order by f1, ',') from text_tbl;
>> ERROR:  function string_agg(text) does not exist

> I'm confused: that looks like the two-argument form to me. Have I missed 
> something?

Yeah, the whole point of the thread: that's not a call of a two-argument
aggregate.  It's a call of a one-argument aggregate, using a two-column
sort key to order the aggregate input rows.

> It confuses the shit out of me. It says "string_agg(text)" doesn't exist when 
> that clearly is not the name of the function you've called.

Well, maybe we need to expend some more sweat on the error message then.
But this patch was still a prerequisite thing, because without it there
is no error that we can complain about.

                        regards, tom lane

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