According to POSIX -regex (7)-, standard character class are:

              alnum       digit       punct
              alpha       graph       space
              blank       lower       upper
              cntrl       print       xdigi

Many of that classes are different in different locales, and currently
all work as if the localization were C. Many of those tests have
multibyte issues, however with the patch postgres will work for
one-byte encondings, which is better than nothing. If someone
(Tatsuo?) gives some advice I will work in the multibyte version.

Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Basically, you manually preprocess the patch to include the
> USE_LOCALE branch and remove the not USE_LOCALE branch.

Yeah, that should work. You may also remove include/regex/cclass.h
since it will not be used any more.

> However, if the no-locale branches have significant performance
> benefits then it might be worth pondering setting up some
> optimizations.

This is not the case.


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