"Kevin Grittner" <kevin.gritt...@wicourts.gov> writes:
> LOG:  database system was interrupted; last known up at 2010-08-30
> 09:13:23 CDT
> LOG:  database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in
> progress
> LOG:  consistent recovery state reached at 0/5C5D04
> LOG:  redo starts at 0/5C5D04
> TRAP: FailedAssertion("!(backend == (-1))", File: "catalog.c", Line:
> 120)
> LOG:  startup process (PID 5338) was terminated by signal 6: Aborted
> LOG:  aborting startup due to startup process failure

I can reproduce this; looks like it is fallout from the
RelFileNodeBackend patch.  Stack trace from core dump is

#4  0x4f912c in ExceptionalCondition (
    conditionName=0x89054 "!(backend == (-1))", 
    errorType=0x89044 "FailedAssertion", fileName=0x88fc8 "catalog.c", 
    lineNumber=120) at assert.c:57
#5  0x2473b8 in relpathbackend (rnode={spcNode = 1664, dbNode = 0, 
      relNode = 11617}, backend=2063810256, forknum=2063672808)
    at catalog.c:120
#6  0x40a628 in mdopen (reln=0x40096748, forknum=VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM, 
    behavior=EXTENSION_RETURN_NULL) at md.c:508
#7  0x409ce0 in mdexists (reln=0x40096748, forkNum=VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM)
    at md.c:237
#8  0x40c7ac in smgrexists (reln=0x7b011c28, forknum=2063848444) at smgr.c:207
#9  0x1f2464 in vm_readbuf (rel=0x40061bc0, blkno=0, extend=0 '\000')
    at visibilitymap.c:410
#10 0x1f1b80 in visibilitymap_clear (rel=0x7b011c28, heapBlk=2063848444)
    at visibilitymap.c:147
#11 0x1e924c in heap_xlog_insert (lsn={xlogid = 0, xrecoff = 26015704}, 
    record=0x30) at heapam.c:4389
#12 0x1eaec8 in heap_redo (lsn={xlogid = 0, xrecoff = 26015704}, 
    record=0x40083f70) at heapam.c:4823
#13 0x21bbd4 in StartupXLOG () at xlog.c:6229
#14 0x2215f8 in StartupProcessMain () at xlog.c:9233
#15 0x24571c in AuxiliaryProcessMain (argc=2, argv=0x7b03ade8)
    at bootstrap.c:412
#16 0x3cb560 in StartChildProcess (type=StartupProcess) at postmaster.c:4407
#17 0x3c6f6c in PostmasterMain (argc=3, argv=0x7b03aba0) at postmaster.c:1089
#18 0x34d998 in main (argc=3, argv=0x7b03aba0) at main.c:188

I guess that something isn't properly setting up rnode.backend in
recovery processing, but didn't find it yet.

                        regards, tom lane

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