On 01/09/10 04:02, Robert Haas wrote:
 See the thread on interruptible sleeps.  The problem
right now is that there are some polling loops that act to throttle
the maximum rate at which a node doing sync rep can make forward
progress, independent of the capabilities of the hardware.

To be precise, the polling doesn't affect the "bandwidth" the replication can handle, but it introduces a delay wh

 Those need
to be replaced with a system that doesn't inject unnecessary delays
into the process, which is what Heikki is working on.


Once we're done with that, all the big questions are still left. How to configure it? What does synchronous replication mean, when is a transaction acknowledged as committed? What to do if a standby server dies and never acknowledges a commit? All these issues have been discussed, but there is no consensus yet.

  Heikki Linnakangas
  EnterpriseDB   http://www.enterprisedb.com

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