On Sep 1, 2010, at 10:52 AM, Thom Brown wrote:

>>> ould appreciate the recipe for removing the NULLs.
>> WHERE clause :P
> There may be cases where that's undesirable, such as there being more
> than one aggregate in the SELECT list, or the column being grouped on
> needing to return rows regardless as to whether there's NULLs in the
> column being targeted by array_agg() or not.

Exactly the issue I ran into:

    SELECT name AS distribution,
               CASE relstatus WHEN 'stable'
               THEN version
               ELSE NULL
           END ORDER BY version) AS stable,
               CASE relstatus
               WHEN 'testing'
               THEN version
               ELSE NULL
           END ORDER BY version) AS testing
      FROM distributions
     GROUP BY name;

      distribution │      stable       │      testing       
      pair         │ {NULL,1.0.0,NULL} │ {0.0.1,NULL,1.2.0}
      pgtap        │ {NULL}            │ {0.0.1}
     (2 rows)




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