In about a week I propose to have the buildfarm server start to reject results based on snapshots where the newest file is older than the time of the git migration a week ago. That means buildfarm owners need to upgrade to using git. Many have already: see <>

The move to git has been a long advertised change, and the software updates have been available for months. Just to be clear, here are the steps involved in upgrading a buildfarm client:

   * install git on your machine if it's not there already - latest
     version is best, but most moderately modern versions should do.
   * upgrade to the latest release of the buildfarm code (release 4.1)
     See <>
   * remove the repo copies in your buildroot ("rm -rf
   * update the buildfarm.conf. At a minimum, remove the settings for
     cvsmethod and cvsrepo and add setting "scm => 'git'". But you
     probably want a local git mirror rather than a separate clone for
     each branch. See
     <> for
     more details

That's not exactly hard, on most platforms.

If you think you deserve a dispensation, please ask me, but I really don't want the buildfarm server polluted with new builds of frozen code. That doesn't help anyone - it's just useless noise.



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