David Fetter wrote:

For my vote, I'd prefer either the Oid of a custom type or an array
of Oid, Datum pairs - i.e. something we can extend in the future if

This sounds a lot like a foreign key to another table.  Are you not
proposing doing that because of performance considerations?


Well, in PostGIS a typmod contains 3 pieces of information:

1) the SRID
2) the dimension
3) the geometry type

The SRID is technically already a foreign key into another table, with dimension and SRID as other information. At the moment, we bit-pack the dimension and geometry type into the SRID and use that as the typmod but this only leaves 21 bits IIRC for the SRID. The additional complication is that SRIDs at the higher end of the range are allowed for anyone to use, and so people may have their own customised spheroids defined in this region of the table.

If we had a foreign key into another table, we'd need to ensure that no one could tamper with it as otherwise all chaos would break lose, e.g. breaking the geometry type constraint on a column. Heck, we even have people deleting the geometry_columns table sometimes because they are not aware of what it does. By storing this information in the PG catalog then this can't happen, plus the information is available easily in Form_pg_attribute without having to implement our own cache, with its own related problems such as how/when to invalidate etc.

There is also a chance that we'd want to include additional information in the future related to geometry validity, for example, which would mean further reducing the range allowed within the spatial_ref_sys table in its existing form.



Mark Cave-Ayland - Senior Technical Architect
PostgreSQL - PostGIS
Sirius Corporation plc - control through freedom
t: +44 870 608 0063

Sirius Labs: http://www.siriusit.co.uk/labs

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