On 10/25/2010 09:32 PM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

On 10/25/2010 07:12 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
However, that objection doesn't hold for plperl or pltcl (and likely
not plpython, though I don't know that language enough to be sure).
So it would be a reasonable feature request to teach those PLs to
accept "record" parameters.  I think the fact that they don't stems
mostly from nobody having revisited their design since the
infrastructure that supports record_out was created.

That seems like a good idea. I'll look at it for plperl.

A naive implementation turns out to be really trivial. It's about two lines, and we can then do:

   andrew=# create function rfunc (x record) returns text language
   plperlu as $$ use Data::Dumper; return Dumper(shift); $$;
   andrew=# select rfunc(row(c.relname,n.nspname)) from pg_class c join
   pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid limit 1;
     $VAR1 = '(pg_statistic,pg_catalog)';+

But I think we can do better than this. We should really pass an hashref with the record's column names as keys rather than just calling record_out. I'll work on that.



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