On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 1:25 PM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Like Tom, I'm not sure this is really a type-system problem.  This
> sounds like a complaint that operations on "numeric" are much slower
> than operations on "int4" and "int8", even for values that could be
> represented by either type.  I think that's a valid complaint, but I
> don't see how changing the type system would help.  I think what you'd
> need to is optimize the existing numeric type, or provide a new
> numeric-ish type with optimizations for dealing with
> small-to-medium-sized integers.

There are other ways one might be able to attack the performance part
of the problem, but consider the loss of information about the type
from int(2|4|8) to numeric when composing a series of sums: we know
the value produced fits the abstract notion of an Integer, but we lose
that information. The same could be said of SUM(x::numeric(1000,0))
yielding an unrestricted numeric, rather than one of scale 0. Not only
is there more information available to the user, but the optimizer
should be able to benefit from that information as well. However, for
an arbitrary user-defined operator to take advantage it would seem to
me that there needs to be a hook where some reasoning can take place
over its input types and subsequently determine the return prototype
at that call site.

I am not trying to suggest that there is no way that one could attack
the details around SUM I have mentioned without changing the type
system, only that they are limitations I encountered and worked around
where a more powerful type system came to mind as an avenue for a
simpler/more proper solution.


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