On 2010-12-30 4:39 AM +0200, Greg Smith wrote:
And that got me back again to concurrent testing.

Moving onto next two problems...the basic MERGE feature seems to have
stepped backwards a bit too.  I'm now seeing these quite often:

ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint
DETAIL:  Key (aid)=(176641) already exists.
STATEMENT:  MERGE INTO pgbench_accounts t USING (SELECT 176641,1+(176641
/ 1000000)::integer,168,'') AS s(aid,bid,balance,filler) ON s.aid=t.aid
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET abalance=abalance + s.balance WHEN NOT
MATCHED THEN INSERT VALUES(s.aid,s.bid,s.balance,s.filler);

On my concurrent pgbench test, which had been working before.

I have no idea why it worked in the past, but the patch was never designed to work for UPSERT. This has been discussed in the past and some people thought that that's not a huge deal.

Marko Tiikkaja

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