On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 14:20, Andy Colson <a...@squeakycode.net> wrote:
> This is a review of  "plperl encoding issues"
> https://commitfest.postgresql.org/action/patch_view?id=452

Thanks for taking the time to review!

> The Patch:
> ==========
> Applies clean to git head as of January 15 2011.  PG built with
> --enable-cassert and --enable-debug seems to run fine with no errors.
> I don't think regression tests cover plperl, so understandable there are no
> tests in the patch.

FWI there are plperl tests, you can do 'make installcheck' from the
plperl dir or installcheck-world from the top.  However I did not add
any as AFAIK there is not a way to handle multiple locales with them
(at least for the automated case).

> There is no manual updates in the patch either, and I think there should be.
>  I think it should be made clear
> that data (varchar, text, etc.  but not bytea) will be passed to perl as
> UTF-8, regardless of database encoding

I don't disagree, but I dont see where to put it either.  Maybe its
only release note material?

>   Also that "use utf8;" is always loaded and in use.

Sorry, I probably mis-worded that in my original description. Its that
we always do the 'utf8fix' for plperl. Not that utf8 is loaded and in
use. This fix basically makes sure the unicode database and associated
modules are loaded. This is needed because perl will try to
dynamically load these when you need them. As we restrict 'require' in
the plperl case, things that depended on that would fail. Previously
we only did the utf8fix when we were a PG_UTF8 database.  I don't
really think its worth documenting, its more a bug fix than anything

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