On Fri, May 10, 2002 at 09:13:20PM +0200, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> Nigel J. Andrews writes:
> > BTW, I had been wondering what to call the Schema tab now that that label is
> > required for schemas rather than design.
> "Design"?

Thought about it, but it seems to 'active' for what's behind the tab:
drawing pretty pictures. There's no way to draw arbitrary tables and
create them, for example. Also, 'Design' is used a the button contrasting
to 'New' and 'Open' for things like the Table tab.

I think I'm leaning toward "Diagram", since that's the verb as well as
the noun. Hmm, on further inspection, all the tabs are plural nouns, so
"Designs" or "Diagrams", perhaps.


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