
* Ibrar Ahmed (ibrar.ah...@gmail.com) wrote:
> I have reviewed/tested this patch.

Great, thanks for that!

> In my point code should be like this
>      *if (conn->client_encoding_initial && conn->client_encoding_initial[0])
>        {
>                if (packet)
>                {
>                        strcpy(packet + packet_len, "client_encoding");
>                        packet_len += strlen("client_encoding") + 1;
>                        strcpy(packet + packet_len,
> conn->client_encoding_initial);
>                        packet_len += strlen(conn->client_encoding_initial) +
> 1;
>               }
>         }*

Makes sense to me, just reading through this email.  Have you tested
this change..?  Could you provide it as an additional patch or a new
patch including the change against head, assuming it still works well in
your testing?

> I will test this patch on Windows and will send results.

That would be great, it's not easy for me to test under Windows.



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