On Feb 11, 2011, at 3:58 PM, Alex Hunsaker wrote:

> You mean... we have been talking past each other this whole time?

Well, since my second post, I think. I was wrong in the first one.

> Olegs case _was_ a utf8 database.
> From his original bug:
>>> Hi there, below is the problem, which I don't have when running in shell. 
>>> The database is in UTF-8 encoding.

Ah. Stupid of me not to have seen that part.

> Thats why I have been fighting the notion that he can finally get rid
> of the utf8::decode(). The utf8::decode() _before_ uri_unescape() was
> wrong, it "fixed" his problem but that was really a bug. The
> utf8::decode() after uri_unescape() is the right answer. And he will
> still need that pre and post patch.


>> * And your PL/Perl functions expect arguments that are byte soup
>> * Once you upgrade to 9.1 they won't be
>> * So you'll need to encode them.
> Yeah, I think we all agree it should be mentioned in the incompatible
> section of the release notes. :-)

Right, loud and clear. And the same for values returned from PL/Perl functions, 
right? They will no longer be returned as binary soup if you return a decoded 
value. I bet that's not at all common, though.



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