On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 18:03, Thom Brown <t...@linux.com> wrote:
> For the number of fortnights, that becomes:
> select extract(epoch from now() - '2010-01-01 
> 11:45:13'::timestamp)/60/60/24/14;
> You'd think with PostgreSQL having such a rich type system, it
> wouldn't need to come to that.  It's just asking for the number of
> intervals between 2 timestamps rather than the number of seconds and
> dividing it to the point you get your answer.

I think a good generic solution would be an interval/interval operator
that returns numeric. Then the above becomes:

SELECT (now() - timestamp '2010-01-01 11:45:13') / interval '2 weeks';

However, looking at the code, it's not so obvious what to do if the
intervals contain months.


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