"Dave Page" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This appears to work fine, so I hacked initdb to prepend the
> 'pg_catalog.' to the viewnames. Cleared $PGDATA, confirmed I was running
> the correct initdb, and still, the views are in public - Arrrggghhh!

Weird.  Maybe there is more than one bug involved, because adding
pg_catalog. to the create view should definitely have worked.
Will try to duplicate that here.

> Any suggestions?

Try changing the PGOPTS setting to use

        -c search_path=pg_catalog 

That shouldn't make any difference but ...

Also, you could try setting a breakpoint at RangeVarGetCreationNamespace
(in backend/catalog/namespace.c) to see what it thinks it's doing and
what's in namespace_search_path at the time.

                        regards, tom lane

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