Robert Haas <> writes:
> Bruce has been going through the open items for the past several weeks
> (at least) and tells me that he hasn't found very much.  I'm not sure
> what your thought is on what's required to get us from here to beta,
> but I am thinking it could be done in a few weeks.  With a concerted
> effort and some sustained focus, I don't see why we could get this
> release out the door in, say, three months.  Taking in a feature
> that's going to take another month to sort out is going to push that
> out, and I am really not excited about another round of
> spend-all-summer-waiting-for-people-to-get-back-from-vacation-and-release-in-September.

Yeah, it would be really nice to get the release out in June rather than
September.  If we wait any longer for Sync Rep I'm pretty sure it's
going to be the latter not the former.

See my nearby message for a start at a list of what we "must" do to
get to alpha4.  Any features we want to cram in at this stage go on
top of that.

                        regards, tom lane

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