On Fri, 2011-03-04 at 12:24 +0100, Yeb Havinga wrote:
> On 2011-03-03 11:53, Simon Riggs wrote:
> > Latest version of Sync Rep, which includes substantial internal changes
> > and simplifications from previous version. (25-30 changes).
> Testing more with the post v19 version from github with HEAD


> commit 009875662e1b47012e1f4b7d30eb9e238d1937f6
> Author: Simon Riggs <si...@2ndquadrant.com>
> Date:   Fri Mar 4 06:13:43 2011 +0000
>      Allow SIGTERM messages in ProcessInterrupts() even when interrupts are
>      held, if WaitingForSyncRep
> 1) unexpected behaviour
> - master has synchronous_standby_names = 'standby1,standby2,standby3'
> - standby with 'standby2' connects first.
> - LOG:  00000: standby "standby2" is now the synchronous standby with 
> priority 2
> I'm still confused by the priority numbers. At first I thought that 
> priority 1 meant: this is the one that is currently waited for. Now I'm 
> not sure if this is the first potential standby that is not used, or 
> that it is actually the one waited for.
> What I expected was that it would be connected with priority 1. And then 
> if the standby1 connect, it would become the one with prio1 and standby2 
> with prio2.

The priority refers to the order in which that standby is listed in
synchronous_standby_names. That is not dependent upon who is currently
connected. It doesn't mean the order in which the currently connected
standbys will become the sync standby.

So the log message allows you to work out that "standby2" is connected
and will operate as sync standby until something mentioned earlier in
synchronous_standby_names, in this case standby1, connects.

> 2) unexpected behaviour
> - continued from above
> - standby with 'asyncone' name connects next
> - no log message on master
> I expected a log message along the lines 'standby "asyncone" is now an 
> asynchronous standby'

That would introduce messages where there currently aren't any, so I
left that out. I'll put it in for clarity.

> 3) more about log messages
> - didn't get a log message that the asyncone standby stopped
> - didn't get a log message that standby1 connected with priority 1
> - after stop / start master, again only got a log that standby2 
> connectied with priority 2
> - pg_stat_replication showed both standb1 and standby2 with correct prio#

Please send me log output at DEBUG3 offline.

> 4) More about the priority stuff. At this point I figured out prio 2 can 
> also be 'the real sync'. Still I'd prefer in pg_stat_replication a 
> boolean that clearly shows 'this is the one', with a source that is 
> intimately connected to the syncrep implemenation, instead of a 
> different implementation of 'if lowest connected priority and > 0, then 
> sync is true. If there are two different implementations, there is room 
> for differences, which doesn't feel right.


> 5) performance.
> Seems to have dropped a a few dozen %. With v17 I earlier got ~650 tps 
> and after some more tuning over 900 tps. Now with roughly the same setup 
> I get ~ 550 tps. Both versions on the same hardware, both compiled 
> without debugging, and I used the same postgresql.conf start config.

Will need to re-look at performance after commit

> I'm currently thinking about a failure test that would check if a commit 
> has really waited for the standby. What's the worst thing to do to a 
> master server? Ideas are welcome :-)
> #!/bin/sh
> psql -c "create a big table with generate_series"
> echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq ; echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger
> regards,
> Yeb Havinga

 Simon Riggs           http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/books/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training and Services

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