
I just wanted to inform you that Cornelia and me start the
project to translate and publish the documentation German.

Means the project will have a really high women concentration
at the beginning :)

pgsql-www suggested to take postgresql.de for publishing. I thought
it is a great idea and  so we will do it.
Conny and me are involved in that domain anyway.

Of course everybody is allowed helping us.

We are on the way to set up all systems.
We will keep it simple - without much graphical gadgets.
We will take the original docs from source code after compiled
as html.
And on new release diff will get our friend.

Why are we so mad?

Peter once translated the whole docs and published a book.
Afair it was for PostgreSQL 7.2 or 7.3.

Google got much more aggressive on language and translation
topic. When I take a German browser and Google for PostgreSQL
+ specific detail - then I first get the old Peter docs and after that
I get the original postgresql.org docs - but - automatically translated
from Google into German.
Believe me - this translation are sometimes really worse.

For me this means - it is  finally time to translate / update old Peter
docs. Peter and me think - just translate all again is faster then taking
and checking his old texts.

I am fully back - and of course I needed something reasonable todo -
I know translating docs will get a life time project.

I asked Cornelia if she wants to help because she already wrote a
PostgreSQL book before Peter and she has lots of experiences with
translations - She is involved in PHP doc translations too.

She immediately said "yes".

As I said - we are on the way to set up all what we need on postgresql.de.


Susanne Ebrecht

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