NunoACHenriques <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>       Is there any server timeout that is undocumented?


> spid=> vacuum full analyze ; select construct_warehouse() ; vacuum analyze ;
> NOTICE:  Skipping "pg_group" --- only table or database owner can VACUUM it
> NOTICE:  Skipping "pg_database" --- only table or database owner can VACUUM it
> NOTICE:  Skipping "pg_shadow" --- only table or database owner can VACUUM it
> server closed the connection unexpectedly
>       This probably means the server terminated abnormally
>       before or while processing the request.

This looks like a crash to me, not a timeout.  Can you provide us with a
stack backtrace?  Also, you'd better explain what construct_warehouse()
is doing.

                        regards, tom lane

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