> But breaking people's code is not a better answer.  We still
> have people on 8.2 because the pain of upgrading to 8.3 is more than
> they can bear, and how many releases have we spent trying to get
> standard_conforming_strings worked out?  I admit this probably
> wouldn't be as bad, but we've managed to put out several releases in a
> row now that are relatively painless to upgrade between, and I think
> that's a trend we should try to keep going.

I guess I'm not understanding the backwards compatibility problem.  I've
looked up the thread, and I still don't see a real-world issue.  If we
(by default) throw an error on ambiguity, and have GUC to turn that off
(in which case, it resolves column-first), I really don't see what
problem anyone could have upgrading.

Can you explain it to me?

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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