On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Alvaro Herrera
<alvhe...@commandprompt.com> wrote:
> Excerpts from Robert Haas's message of lun abr 18 09:33:06 -0300 2011:
>> I don't much like Jim's syntax suggestion (the alias really ought to
>> be declared within the function body, I think, not added to the CREATE
>> FUNCTION statement) but I don't necessarily think it's a bad idea.
>> What would be even better, in my view, is having a short alias that is
>> defined by default, but all previous proposals in this vein have been
>> shot down by Tom and Andrew.  As a practical matter, though, I think
>> what Jim is talking about speaks to a real need - people want to make
>> SQL function names long and descriptive, but they do NOT want to spell
>> out that long function name 16 times inside the function body.
> plpgsql has the #option thing in functions; why can't we have something
> similar in SQL functions?
>  CREATE FUNCTION function_with_really_really_descriptive_name (
>   some_parameter int
>     #option function_alias fwrrdn
>         SELECT fwrrdn.some_parameter
>  $$;
> Not necessarily that exact syntax.

If we are rejecting $foo on grounds of deviating from sql standard,
shouldn't this be rejected on the same grounds?  There is no such
syntax in sql/psm.


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