Excerpts from Andrew Dunstan's message of lun abr 18 19:20:30 -0300 2011:
> On 04/18/2011 01:46 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> > On 04/17/2011 11:07 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
> >>
> >> BTW, another thing that should be in the try-try-again category is
> >> seeing how close we could get to pgindent's results with GNU indent.
> >> It seems clear to me that a process based on GNU indent would be a
> >> lot easier for a lot of people.  We tried that once before, and couldn't
> >> get close enough to want to consider switching, but maybe it just needs
> >> a more determined effort and/or more recent versions of GNU indent.
> >> (ISTR that we hit some things that seemed to be outright bugs in GNU
> >> indent, but this was quite a few years ago.)
> >
> > That seems like a definite win possibility there.
> If you're aware of any changes in GNU indent that would overcome the 
> previous issues, then by all means spend the time on it. If not, it 
> seems a bit like the definition of insanity ("repeating an experiment 
> with the expectation of a different result").

The source of GNU indent itself is 3x what it was when the experiment
was last reported.  (I checked this about a year ago with an eye on
"repeating the experiment" but then I failed to actually do it.)  It
seems fair to say that, yes, it has changed a bit in the meantime.

Álvaro Herrera <alvhe...@commandprompt.com>
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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