On tor, 2011-04-21 at 18:24 +0300, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> So the topic of "real" "stored procedures" came up again.  Meaning a
> function-like object that executes outside of a regular transaction,
> with the ability to start and stop SQL transactions itself.
> I would like to collect some specs on this feature.  So does anyone have
> links to documentation of existing implementations, or their own spec
> writeup?  A lot of people appear to have a very clear idea of this
> concept in their own head, so let's start collecting those.

Another point, as there appear to be diverging camps about
supertransactional stored procedures vs. autonomous transactions, what
would be the actual use cases of any of these features?  Let's collect
some, so we can think of ways to make them work.

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