On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 10:29 PM, Joseph Adams
<joeyadams3.14...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The VARIANT type, or similar, would be useful for the JSON data type
> I've been intermittently working on, as it would allow us to create a
> function like this:
>    from_json(JSON) returns VARIANT

This occurred to me: if PostgreSQL functions could return ANYELEMENT,
then we could just say:

    from_json(JSON) returns ANYELEMENT -- no intermediate VARIANT value

Likewise, the variant conversion functions (which could be invoked
automatically) could be done this way:

    to_variant(ANYELEMENT) returns VARIANT
    from_variant(VARIANT) returns ANYELEMENT

However, I'm not familiar enough with the innards of PostgreSQL's type
system to know if returning ANYELEMENT would be possible and make

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