On 05/31/2011 05:42 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
> Kim Bisgaard <kim...@alleroedderne.adsl.dk> writes:
>> On 2011-05-30 04:26, Greg Stark wrote:
>>> My biggest gripe about bugzilla was that it sent you an email with updates 
>>> to the bug but you couldn't respond to that email.
>> Just checked bugzilla's list of features and they *now* lists that as 
>> supported:
>>> File/Modify Bugs By Email
>>> In addition to the web interface, you can send Bugzilla an email that will 
>>> create a new bug, or will modify an existing bug. You can also 
>>> very easily attach files to bugs this way.
> The claim is there all right, but the feature seems spectacularly
> undocumented otherwise.  I wanted to see if it worked like debbugs
> (ie, you just cc: some mail to the bug tracker), but there's no
> information about exactly how to use it.

Depends on what exactly you are looking for...

* that feature relies on finding a valid bugid in the subject, if it
finds one it will add the email ass a comment
* if you would prefer something like nnnnnn-...@tracker.postgresql.org
for adding to existing bugs, that would be a trivial thing to add as a
feature(have the MTA split the localpart and pass it as a parameter in
the pipe-transport to the email_in.pl script)
* the challenge is more about creating "new" bugs, because for that you
need a bz account (or maybe a community account in our case) by default.
We could certainly modify the feature so that it will autocreate bz
accounts as soon as we see a new emailaddress sending email in but that
will be fairly hard to control spamwise.


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