
> No.  IMHO, if we change the naming convention for serial sequences (which
> seems unlikely, except that it might be indirectly affected by changing
> NAMEDATALEN), then we'd *want* the new naming convention to take effect,
> not to have pg_dump scripts force an old naming convention to be
> preserved.
> I realize there's a potential for failing to restore the setval()
> information if the name actually does change, but I'm willing to live
> with that.

IMNHO, if this is such a concern for the developer, then what about using 
explicitly named sequences?  I almost never use the SERIAL data type, because 
I feel that I need naming control as well as explicit permissions.  SERIAL is 
a convenience for those who don't want to be bothered ... serious developers 
hould use DEFAULT NEXTVAL('sequence_name').

-Josh Berkus

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