Rocco Altier wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Jun 2002, Mike Mascari wrote:
> > That is what I want to do, except by extending the grammar. I must admit
> > to actually being surprised that a TEMP table created inside a
> > transaction lived after the transaction completed. That's when I looked
> > at the standard and saw that PostgreSQL's implementation was correct. I
> > would think for most people session-long temp tables are more the
> > exception than the rule. But I guess SQL92 doesn't think so. Regardless,
> > a couple of other people have shown some interest in the idea. I'll post
> > it to general as well as Tom suggests...
> >
> Actually, we needed to use temp tables that live beyond the transaction,
> because there are no session variables in postgres.  So I did an
> implementation that used temp tables instead.
> Having the temp table not live for the life of the session would be a big
> problem for me.

Sure, which is why I'm proposing to extend the grammar. Only if you
created the temporary table with


would it drop the temporary table at transaction commit. It should be
100% compatible with existing code. 

Mike Mascari

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