On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 07:30, Greg Smith <g...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> I applied Jeff's patch but changed this to address concerns about the
> program getting stuck running for too long in the function:
> #define plpgsql_loops   512

Is it OK to define the value as constant?

Also, it executes much more queries if -t option (transactions) specified;
Of course it runs the specified number of "transactions", but actually
runs plpgsql_loops times than other modes.

> I think this is a really nice new workload to demonstrate.  One of the
> things we tell people is that code works much faster when moved server-side,

What is the most important part of the changes? The proposal includes
3 improvements. It might defocus the most variable tuning point.

 #1 Execute multiple queries in one transaction.
 #2 Run multiple queries in the server with stored procedure.
 #3 Return only one value instead of 512.

Anyway, I'm not sure we need to include the query mode into the pgbench's
codes. Instead, how about providing "a sample script" as a separate sql
file? pgbench can execute any script files with -f option.

Itagaki Takahiro

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