There's been a steady flow of messages on pgsql-advocacy since last month (threads "Crediting sponsors in release notes?" and "Crediting reviewers & bug-reporters in the release notes") talking about who/how should receive credited for their work on PostgreSQL. That discussion seems to be me heading in one inevitable direction: it's not going to be possible to make everyone happy unless there's a way to track all of these things for each feature added to PostgreSQL:

-Short description for the release notes
-Feature author(s)
-Reviewers and bug reporters
-Main git commit adding the feature

Now, this is clearly the job for a tool, because the idea that any person capable of doing this work will actually do it is laughable--everyone qualified is too busy. It strikes me however that the current production of the release notes is itself a time consuming and error-prone process that could also be improved by automation. I had an idea for pushing forward both these at once.

Committers here are pretty good at writing terse but clear summaries of new features when they are added. These are generally distilled further for the release notes. It strikes me that a little decoration of commit messages might go a long way toward saving time in a few areas here. I'll pick a simple easy example I did to demonstrate; I wrote a small optimization to commit_delay committed at

This made its way into the release notes like this:

  Improve performance of commit_siblings (Greg Smith)
  This allows the use of commit_siblings with less overhead.

What if the commit message had been decorated like this?

  Feature:  Improve performance of commit_siblings

  Optimize commit_siblings in two ways to improve group commit.
  First, avoid scanning the whole ProcArray once we know there...

With that simple addition, two things become possible:

-Generating a first draft of the release notes for a new version could turn into a script that parses the git commit logs, which has gotta save somebody a whole lot of time each release that goes into the first draft of the release notes. -All of these other ways to analyze of the contributors would be much easier to maintain. A little "Author:" decoration to that section of each commit would probably be welcome too.

I'm sure someone is going to reply to this suggesting some git metadata is the right way to handle this, but that seems like overkill to me. I think there's enough committer time gained in faster release note generation for this decoration to payback its overhead, which is important to me--I'd want a change here to net close to zero for committers. And the fact that it would also allow deriving all this other data makes it easier to drive the goals rising out of advocacy forward too.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant US   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support

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