On Thu, 20 Jun 2002 12:09:35 -0400 (EDT)
"Bruce Momjian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jean-Michel POURE wrote:
> > - Replication: development is slow although a lot of people would be 
> > interested in helping. But there is no central organization apart from the 
> > hackers-list.

Replication development is co-ordinated on the pgreplication-general
list which Bruce mentions below, not on -hackers. Any interested
developers should subscribe to it, read the relevant research papers
on Postgres-R, and contribute code.

As for the speed of development, I've started to contribute code recently,
and Darren Johnson (the main replication developer) says he should have some
free time soon -- there are also some other new developers interested in
the project. So while there was a period of inactivity, I think that progress
is now being made.

> I am on the replication mailing list:
>       http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/pgreplication/projdisplay.php
> That project is moving along, and hopefully they can merge their code
> into the main tree so others can assist them.  Not sure what else we can
> do.

I can't make any claims about a schedule -- since everyone working on the
project is a volunteer, the only release goals I'd like to set are "when it's
ready". The code right now is pretty unstable, so I don't think it's appropriate
for the main CVS tree until we work it into better shape.




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