I'd like to add a feature to the buildfarm that automatically picks up any new branch and automatically stops building any branch we're not maintaining any more. To do the latter, I need some way for the client to detect that we are or aren't interested in a branch. What I'd like to do is add a file to the old back branches (say from 7.4 to 8.1 currently - I can grandfather the rest) called "end-of-life-reached" or some such, with some appropriate text. As a branch reaches its end of life, i.e. right before the last release we make, we should add that file to the branch.

I think this would possibly be useful anyway, regardless of buildfarm utility - I still hear of people mistakenly grabbing and building releases past EOL, and maybe this will give one or two the extra clue they need that this is less than a good idea.




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