On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 6:05 PM, Heikki Linnakangas <
heikki.linnakan...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:

> Dunno, both approaches seem reasonable to me. There's no rule against
> changing WAL record structure across major releases, if that's what you were
> worried about.

OK, thanks. I also found behaviour of GiST(without patch) with streaming
replication that seems strange for me. On master there are only few
rightlinks are InvalidBlockNumber while on slave there are a lot of them. I
hack gevel for getting index structure on slave (accessing tree without

On master:
# create table test as (select point(random(),random()) from
# create index test_idx on test using gist(point);
# \copy (select gist_tree('test_idx')) to 'tree1r.txt';

On slave:
# \copy (select gist_tree('test_idx')) to 'tree2r.txt';

In bash:
# cat tree1r.txt | sed 's/\\n/\n/g' > tree1.txt
# cat tree2r.txt | sed 's/\\n/\n/g' > tree2.txt
# diff tree1.txt tree2.txt

<     1(l:1) blk: 324 numTuple: 129 free: 2472b(69.71%) rightlink:637 (OK)
<         1(l:2) blk: 242 numTuple: 164 free: 932b(88.58%) rightlink:319
<         2(l:2) blk: 525 numTuple: 121 free: 2824b(65.39%) rightlink:153
<         3(l:2) blk: 70 numTuple: 104 free: 3572b(56.23%) rightlink:551
<         4(l:2) blk: 384 numTuple: 106 free: 3484b(57.30%) rightlink:555
<         5(l:2) blk: 555 numTuple: 121 free: 2824b(65.39%) rightlink:74
<         6(l:2) blk: 564 numTuple: 109 free: 3352b(58.92%) rightlink:294
<         7(l:2) blk: 165 numTuple: 108 free: 3396b(58.38%) rightlink:567
>     1(l:1) blk: 324 numTuple: 129 free: 2472b(69.71%) rightlink:4294967295
>         1(l:2) blk: 242 numTuple: 164 free: 932b(88.58%)
rightlink:4294967295 (InvalidBlockNumber)
>         2(l:2) blk: 525 numTuple: 121 free: 2824b(65.39%)
rightlink:4294967295 (InvalidBlockNumber)
>         3(l:2) blk: 70 numTuple: 104 free: 3572b(56.23%)
rightlink:4294967295 (InvalidBlockNumber)
>         4(l:2) blk: 384 numTuple: 106 free: 3484b(57.30%)
rightlink:4294967295 (InvalidBlockNumber)
>         5(l:2) blk: 555 numTuple: 121 free: 2824b(65.39%)
rightlink:4294967295 (InvalidBlockNumber)
>         6(l:2) blk: 564 numTuple: 109 free: 3352b(58.92%)
rightlink:4294967295 (InvalidBlockNumber)
>         7(l:2) blk: 165 numTuple: 108 free: 3396b(58.38%)
rightlink:4294967295 (InvalidBlockNumber)

Isn't it a bug?

With best regards,
Alexander Korotkov.

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