Looking at the calculation of levelStep:

+       /*
+        * Calculate levelStep by available amount of memory. We should be able 
+        * load into main memory one page of each underlying node buffer (which
+        * are in levelStep below). That give constraint over
+        * maintenance_work_mem. Also we should be able to have subtree of
+        * levelStep level in cache. That give constraint over
+        * effective_cache_size.
+        *
+        * i'th underlying level of sub-tree can consists of
+        * i^maxIndexTuplesPerPage pages at maximum. So, subtree of levelStep
+        * levels can't be greater then 2 * maxIndexTuplesPerPage ^ levelStep
+        * pages. We use some more reserve due to we probably can't take whole
+        * effective cache and use formula 4 * maxIndexTuplesPerPage ^ 
levelStep =
+        * effectiveCache. We use similar logic with maintenance_work_mem. We
+        * should be able to store at least last pages of all buffers where we 
+        * emptying current buffer to.
+        */
+       effectiveMemory = Min(maintenance_work_mem * 1024 / BLCKSZ,
+                                                 effective_cache_size);
+       levelStep = (int) log((double) effectiveMemory / 4.0) /
+               log((double) maxIndexTuplesPerPage);

I can see that that's equal to the formula given in the paper, log_B(M/4B), but I couldn't see any explanation for that formula in the paper. Your explanation makes sense, but where did it come from?

It seems a bit pessimistic: while it's true that the a subtree can't be larger than 2 * maxIndexTuplesPerPage ^ levelStep, you can put a tighter upper bound on it. The max size of a subtree of depth n can be calculated as the geometric series:

r^0 + r^1 + r^2 + ... + r^n = (1 - r^(n + 1)) / (1 - r)

where r = maxIndexTuplesPerPage. For r=2 those formulas are equal, but for a large r and small n (which is typical), the 2 * maxIndexTuplesPerPage^levelStep formula gives a value that's almost twice as large as the real max size of a subtree.

  Heikki Linnakangas
  EnterpriseDB   http://www.enterprisedb.com

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