I am developing against 9.1beta3 and encountered this problem. I repeated it 
against rc1 (or
actually, REL9_1_STABLE taken from git today).

The below SQL causes:

TRAP: FailedAssertion("!(item_width > 0)", File: "costsize.c", Line: 3274)

and the session crashes.

select *
from (
    ,  col2
    ,  reviewed
        ( 1111, 'aweyu', 3)
      , ( 2222, 'bwetu', 2)
      , ( 3333, 'vwxyz', 1)
        as r(col1,col2,col3)
  left join (
                select 1 as reviewed, c2 from ( values ('abcde') ) as t1(c2)
      union all select 0 as reviewed, c2 from ( values ('vwxyz') ) as t2(c2)
     as up_all on up_all.c2 = r.col2
  order by col3
  as f

To simplify I used 'values' for the actual tables that I am using, but the 
above still causes the

Removing the outer select avoids the error and
removing order by avoids the error

Erik Rijkers

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