On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 8:13 AM, Bernd Helmle <maili...@oopsware.de> wrote:
> Out of curiosity,
> is anybody working on $subject? I'm currently planning to work on such a
> driver,
> but given the current stream of new drivers i want to make sure to not
> duplicate any efforts...

The most complete list I've seen of FDW's is on the wiki:

Note there is an ODBC FDW, which might work, but if you start working
on an Informix specific one, please add it there. (I say this, knowing
that one of my co-workers has the outlines of a riak fdw he hasn't
listed yet... guess I should go pester him).

Robert Treat
conjecture: xzilla.net
consulting: omniti.com

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