On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 2:05 PM, Heikki Linnakangas <
heikki.linnakan...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:

> Regarding the quadtree, have you compared the performance of that with
> Alexander's improved split algorithm? I ran some tests using the test
> harness I still had lying around from the fast GiST index build tests:
>        testname         |      time       | accesses | indexsize
> -------------------------+----**-------------+----------+-----**------
>  points unordered auto   | 00:03:58.188866 |   378779 | 522 MB
>  points ordered auto     | 00:07:14.362355 |   177534 | 670 MB
>  points unordered auto   | 00:02:59.130176 |    46561 | 532 MB
>  points ordered auto     | 00:04:00.50756  |    45066 | 662 MB
>  points unordered spgist | 00:03:05.569259 |    78871 | 394 MB
>  points ordered spgist   | 00:01:46.06855  |   422104 | 417 MB
> (8 rows)
I assume first two rows to be produced by new linear split
algorithm(current) and secound two rows by double sorting split algorithm(my

> These tests were with a table with 7500000 random points. In the
> ordered-tests, the table is sorted by x,y coordinates. 'time' is the time
> used to build the index on it, and 'accesses' is the total number of index
> blocks hit by a series of 10000 bounding box queries, measured from
> pg_statio_user_indexes.idx_**blks_hit + idx_blks_read.
> The first two tests in the list are with a GiST index on unpatched
> PostgreSQL. The next six tests are with Alexander's double-sorting split
> patch. The last two tests are with an SP-GiST index.
> It looks like the query performance with GiST using the double-sorting
> split is better than SP-GiST, although the SP-GiST index is somewhat
> smaller. The ordered case seems pathologically bad, is that some sort of a
> worst-case scenario for quadtrees?

Comparison of search speed using number of page accesses is
quite comprehensive for various GiST indexes. But when we're
comparing  SP-GiST vs GiST we should take into accoung that they have
different CPU/IO ratio. GiST scans whole page which it accesses. SP-GiST can
scan only fraction of page because several nodes can be packed into single
page. Thereby it would be interesting to compare also CPU load GiST
vs. SP-GiST. Also, there is some hope to reduce number of page accesses in
SP-GiST by improving clustering algorithm.

With best regards,
Alexander Korotkov.

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