On 10/01/2011 05:08 PM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> While investigating a client problem I just observed that pg_dump takes
> a surprisingly large amount of time to dump a schema with a large number
> of views. The client's hardware is quite spiffy, and yet pg_dump is
> taking many minutes to dump a schema with some 35,000 views. Here's a
> simple test case:
>    create schema views;
>    do 'begin for i in 1 .. 10000 loop execute $$create view views.v_$$
>    || i ||$$ as select current_date as d, current_timestamp as ts,
>    $_$a$_$::text || n as t, n from generate_series(1,5) as n$$; end
>    loop; end;';
> On my modest hardware this database took 4m18.864s for pg_dump to run.
> Should we be looking at replacing the retail operations which consume
> most of this time with something that runs faster?

How modest?  Was there anything else in the database?  I tried with 9000
views (because I didn't want to bother increasing
max_locks_per_transaction) and the pg_dump in less than 10 seconds
(8.991s) redirecting (plain-text) output to a file (this is on a Core i5).

> There is also this gem of behaviour, which is where I started:
>    p1                p2
>    begin;
>    drop view foo;
>                       pg_dump
>    commit;
>                       boom.
> with this error:
>    2011-10-01 16:38:20 EDT [27084] 30063 ERROR:  could not open
>    relation with OID 133640
>    2011-10-01 16:38:20 EDT [27084] 30064 STATEMENT:  SELECT
>    pg_catalog.pg_get_viewdef('133640'::pg_catalog.oid) AS viewdef
> Of course, this isn't caused by having a large catalog, but it's
> terrible nevertheless. I'm not sure what to do about it.

Couldn't you run pg_dump with --lock-wait-timeout?


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