On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 04:20, Amit Khandekar
<amit.khande...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:

> Is there a plan to commit this issue? I am still seeing this issue on
> PG 9.1 STABLE branch. Attached is a small patch that targets only the
> specific issue in the described testcase :
> create or replace function zerob() returns text as $$ return
> "abcd\0efg"; $$ language plperl;
> SELECT zerob();
> The patch does the perl data validation in the function utf_u2e() itself.

I think thats fine, but as coded it will verify the string twice in
the GetDatabaseEncoding() != PG_UTF8 case (once for
pg_do_encoding_conversion() and again with the added
pg_verify_mbstr_len), which seems a bit wasteful.

It might be worth adding a regression test also...

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