Tom Lane <> wrote:
> Yeah, TOAST indexes are 2-column.  It would be best to exclude
> those from your counts, since it seems pretty unlikely that anyone
> will care how fast nodeIndexonlyscan.c is for scans on toast
> tables.
User indexes (excluding toast):
 indnatts | count 
        1 |   200
        2 |   222
        3 |   155
        4 |    76
        5 |    43
        6 |    13
        7 |     2
        9 |     1
(8 rows)
System indexes (excluding toast):
 indnatts | count 
        1 |    46
        2 |    24
        3 |     9
        4 |     5
(4 rows)
> It doesn't look to me like the mean is above 2 (unless you have
> many fewer toast tables than I suspect), so trying to optimize
> many-column cases isn't going to help.
The mean is 2.4 (give or take a little depending on whether you
include system tables).  I have no idea where the optimization
becomes worthwhile, but the assertion that most indexes probably
have a single column worried me.  I'm sure there are databases where
that is true (especially for those who insist on adding a
meaningless surrogate key column to every table), but there are many
where it isn't true.  I would guess that our average of 2.4 is
higher than most, though.

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